About The Meditatio Centre

At the heart of everything we offer at The Meditatio Centre is the practice of meditation. This way of contemplative silence as we teach it is rooted in the teaching of Jesus on prayer and by the tradition that put it into practice. In meditation we learn to live from the silent dynamic centre which unites all humanity, a centre in which we are freed to engage with life itself, in all its aspects and in all its fullness.
Upcoming Events
Silent Saturdays
The Meditatio Centre, St Mark's, Myddelton Square London EC1R1XX
The Flame of Love: Rumi’s Love Poetry
The Meditatio Centre, St Mark's, Myddelton Square London EC1R1XX
Art Exhibitions
We are always excited to exhibit the work of local artists here at The Meditatio Centre.
Please contact us if you would like to show your work here. 020 7278 2070
Our Bookshop
We have a wonderful selection of resources including John Main OSB, Laurence Freeman OSB, Christian Mystics, contemplative Christianity, interfaith, science, poetry and more.
Please give us a call if you would like to come to buy- just to make sure we are open.020 7278 2070
We are currently looking for volunteers to help us run the bookstall and also to help us with our online book orders. Contact Kate@wccm.org if you are interested.
Meditate with us
In-Person Meditation
Monday-Thursday 1.00-1.30pm (UK)
Live Virtual Meditation
Wednesdays, 1.00-1.30pm (UK)
All faiths and lineages welcome. To keep a strong bond with our community we offer this free daily in-person meditation and weekly virtual meditation.
New to Meditation?
Meditation is a universal spiritual wisdom and a practice found at the core of all the great religious traditions. It leads the practitioner from mind to heart and to the integration of the human being. It is not an esoteric or complicated practice. It is a learning process most of which is, in fact, an unlearning. It is an unlearning of our conditioning and imaginary responses to reality.
Words From Our Community
“What wonderfully rich and diverse set of talks. It must have taken an enormous amount of work to arrange this great programme and it is a pleasure and privilege to be part of it.”