Organisations We Recommend
The following are are external links of organisations that we recommend you visit.

The World Community for Christian Meditation
The World Community teaches the Christian tradition of meditation. Explore the rich context of a simple practical wisdom that brings the truths of faith alive in our own experience. This is the site for WCCM International.

Bonnevaux is the international meditation and retreat centre of The World Community for Christian Meditation

Medio Media
Medio Medio is the one stop online shop for all our resources

Christian Meditation in the UK
Find a meditation group in your area

Silence in the City
Silence in the City invites a range of speakers, each of whom is committed to the contemplative life; each meeting includes one or more talks, and at least one period devoted to silent prayer.
The speakers are invited to concentrate on the value of silence and the possibilities of silent prayer, but they are also encouraged to discuss any or all of the other monastic values of solitude, simplicity and contemplative service.

London Centre for Spiritual Direction
The London Spirituality Centre offers resources for well-being and supports those who seek to live a wholehearted life. Drawing upon ancient Christian wisdom and contemporary psychological insight, the Centre offers training and development opportunities for individuals and groups including two formation courses for spiritual directors, supervision groups and a wide variety of workshops.

The Retreat Association
The Retreat Association is a national Christian organisation set up to help people find ways of exploring and deepening their journey with God through spirituality and prayer.

Eckhart Society
The Eckhart Society aims to make known or better known the teachings of Meister Eckhart ( c.1260 – 1328 ).

Julian of Norwich
Julian of Norwich (1342-1416) is internationally famous for her “Revelations of Divine Love”. She remains one of the most creative theologians, spiritual writers and mystics in the Christian tradition. The Julian Centre is next door to St Julian’s Church. It provides a welcome for pilgrims and visitors and houses the Julian Library.

Christians Awakening to a New Awareness (CANA)
Exploring Ways Forward for Christians in the Twenty-First Century.

GreenSpirit is a network of people who celebrate the human spirit in the context of our place in the natural world and Earth’s evolutionary journey. Our activities include running events, producing a magazine and publications.

Ancient Pathways – New Perspectives
A new one-year, certificated spiritual direction course, drawing on the wisdom of the saints, will deepen your understanding and develop your skills in spiritual direction, in the company of Christian spiritual guides such as Ignatius of Loyola, Teresa of Avila and others, to enrich patterns of spiritual growth, discernment and prayer.

Green Christian
Green Christian a community of ordinary Christians from all backgrounds and traditions. Inspired by our faith, we work to care for Creation through prayer, living simply, public witness, campaigning and mutual encouragement.

The House of Prayer
The House of Prayer is a space for prayer and meditation run by the Sisters of the Christian Retreat. The aim of the congregation, The Christian Retreat, is to help people deepen their relationship with God through prayer, meditation and reflection on life’s big questions.

Christian Climate Action.
We are a community of Christians supporting each other to take meaningful action in the face of imminent and catastrophic anthropogenic climate breakdown. Since November 2018 we have worked closely with Extinction Rebellion and have become known as the Christians in XR.
To cultivate compassion, awareness, connection, gentleness, healing, and kindness for ourselves, for those we love, and for others, including those we find difficult
Meditate with us
In-Person Meditation
Monday-Thursday, 1-1:30pm UK Time
Live Virtual Meditation
Wednesdays, 1-1:30pm UK Time
All faiths and lineages welcome. To keep a strong bond with our community we offer this free daily in-person meditation and weekly virtual meditation.