Intuition and reasonableness

We are dedicated to the path of prayer, which is the opposite of the increasingly accepted path in Western civilization. Due to our experience of prayer, we know that we cannot name the Unnameable and cannot give form to the Unformatable. We know that we cannot know the Divine Reality of the mind or senses. But we also know that this does not mean that the Nameless and the Informable do not exist, precisely because we suspect their Presence rather than using our “objective” senses. There are two different ways of perceiving reality – through intuition and through rationality. Although we treat them as completely different, they are complementary ways of approaching reality. As far as we know, intuition and imagination are unique qualities of human beings. And yet our entire surrounding Western culture and its subsequent formation is based on rationality, and denies the importance of intuition and imagination. These are rejected on the grounds that they are subjective and that they are our “mere” imagination. The prevailing view is that we should not accept as real what cannot be seen objectively with our own eyes, it cannot be tested in a laboratory. It is recommended to ignore everything subjective that cannot be reasonably explained. In his book Christ the Present, John Main admits the difficulty we may have with it: “It may seem incredible to us that the way to true vision is to transcend all images. On the surface it seems to us that without images there is no vision, just as without thoughts there is no consciousness. what cannot be reasonably explained. In his book Christ the Present, John Main admits the difficulty we may have with it: “It may seem incredible to us that the way to true vision is to transcend all images. On the surface it seems to us that without images there is no vision, just as without thoughts there is no consciousness. what cannot be reasonably explained. In his book Christ the Present, John Main admits the difficulty we may have with it: “It may seem incredible to us that the way to true vision is to transcend all images. On the surface it seems to us that without images there is no vision, just as without thoughts there is no consciousness.

And yet “intellectual” physicists and cosmologists apply their theories based on mathematical formulas to the entire universe. They cannot really say that they are based on facts, because their “objective” experiments are based only on visible material facts, which make up five percent of the entire universe. The rest is dark matter and dark energy we know nothing about. Intuition plays a far greater role in most scientific discoveries than scientists are generally willing to admit. However, Einstein emphasized intuition very highly: The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is its faithful servant. We have created a society that worships the handmaid and forgot the gift. ”This denial that both reason and intuition are needed is still a majority view. It recalls what St. Antonín from the desert almost a thousand years ago: “The time is coming when people will

This approach of universal madness leads to a sense of nonsense, in what John Main calls in the book “The Present Christ”: “the basis of man’s most intrusive fear – isolation, fear and loneliness, that the world is essentially a terrible mistake.” , with an intuitive understanding based on the experience of silent prayer, we can escape what St. Two thousand years ago, Paul called it a “world without hope.” . “

Kim Nataraja

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