Meditation with Children

A concert with Canadian songwriter Alana Levandoski
Alana Levandoski


Alana Levandoski

Alana Levandoski is a contemplative Canadian Christian composer, song and chant writer, and producer, whose particular interest is in using music's illuminating power to catch glimpses of incarnation in and through all of life. Her albums, often comprising song and spoken word, give voice to that which is ineffable in the human spirit.


Oct 28 2022


UK Time
10:30 am - 11:30 am


The Meditatio Centre
St Mark's, Myddelton Square London EC1R1XX

Please come and join us for a sweet and simple interactive musical concert that introduces the presence of God in the silence to children 

 Open to all ages. 

Refreshments will be served.  You can learn to meditate with your child and learn some songs to sing! 

Sadly this concert will not be online.

Alana Levandoski


Alana Levandoski

Alana Levandoski is a contemplative Canadian Christian composer, song and chant writer, and producer, whose particular interest is in using music's illuminating power to catch glimpses of incarnation in and through all of life. Her albums, often comprising song and spoken word, give voice to that which is ineffable in the human spirit.

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