ALBATROSS is a powerful visual journey into the heart of an astonishingly symbolic environmental tragedy. On one of the remotest islands on our planet, tens of thousands of baby albatrosses lie dead on the ground, their bodies filled with plastic. Returning to the island over several years, director Chris Jordan and his team witnessed the cycles of life and death of these birds as a multi-layered metaphor for our times.
This story is framed in the vividly gorgeous language of state-of-the-art high-definition digital cinematography, surrounded by millions of live birds in one of the world’s most beautiful natural sanctuaries. The viewer will experience stunning juxtapositions of beauty and horror, destruction and renewal, grief and joy, birth and death, coming out the other side with their heart broken open and their worldview shifted. Stepping outside the stylistic templates of traditional environmental or documentary films,
ALBATROSS takes viewers on a guided tour into the depths of their own spirits, delivering a profound message of reverence and love that is already reaching an audience of millions of people around the world.
We invite you to come and watch this film and share discussion and reflection afterwards about the film and about the role that meditation can provide in responding to crises such as the story told here.
We hope to use this film showing as a spring board to more involvement in the work of meditation and the environment.
This event is free but please let us know that you are coming by contacting the office.
e. t. 020 7278 2070