World Worry and the Climate Crisis: Being and staying in the Still Centre of the Storm
And with this in mind, opening to the promptings of Love and Light in the Hearts through the Quaker ‘Experiment with Light’ practice.
The broad aim of this day together is to raise awareness about the climate crisis and bring together meditators and climate activists to share their experiences and practices, hopes and worries.
Peter Musgrave will be using his exhibition of photos of the environment, mostly from Bangladesh to evidence climate crisis and Angela Greenwood will introduce us to the Quaker practice of ‘Experiment with Light’ as an aid to focus our prayers for the world.
‘Experiment with Light’ is a Quaker practice which is based on early Friends’ discoveries.
The Experiment with Light process can be separated into four main steps, once you have accepted an invitation to be still:
-Mind the Light (pay attention to what’s going on inside you, particularly where there’s something that makes you feel uncomfortable)
-Open your heart to the truth (don’t run away from anything that’s difficult or that you don’t want to face, but keep a little distance from it: ‘be still and cool in thy mind’)
-Wait in the Light (be patient, let the Light show you what is really going on, ask questions if what is being offered to you isn’t clear or you want to know more, and wait for the answers to come, don’t try to explain)
-Submit (accept and welcome the information or images, and the insights, dreams and perceptions that may come later, and allow them to show the truth)
Experiment with Light has found ready participants both in the UK and throughout the world. We will use this practice to bring our suffering world into the light.
Please note that this retreat day is IN PERSON at The Meditatio Centre, London only.