We are thrilled that Mark Burrows will be speaking at the Centre in October, joined by dancer Hayley Matthews.
Join us to explore the luminous, alluring beauty of Rilke’s Sonnets to Orpheus poems which rank among the treasures of his late writings. Writing in the mid-1930s, the British literary critic and translator J. B. Leishman wrote of them that
“I feel, in reading [these poems], that we have come round the spiral to another ‘dawn of consciousness,’ where language is in the making, and where myth and symbol must often supply the place of not yet thinkable thoughts. No other writer is so full of the future; no other gives us such thrilling intimations of that inheritance on whose threshold we are standing, and which our civilization may be about to enter if it does not perish through its own destructive forces.”
Join us for an immersion into the marvellous world of Rilke’s imagination when we will open ourselves to his call to “dance the orange” and to discover that “where words once were, discoveries now flow.”
Please visit Mark at his website.
Copies of Sonnets to Orpheus are available from The Meditatio Centre bookshop and will be available to purchase at the event. meditatio@wccm.org