We are sorry that we have had to cancel this event and apologise for any inconvenience this might cause.
Have you ever wondered why we prefer to pray in different ways to other people?
Each one of us is born with different gifts in our personalities, with unique imprints of how we prefer to use our minds, values and feelings in our everyday lives. So, by knowing ourselves a little better each day, we are able to make more informed choices, understand those around us better and to be authentic.
Carl Jung on researching the personality, divided our waking times into 2 simple mental activities, finding out information and then making decisions. A mother and daughter team Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers translated his theory into simple language which became the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The day will include time for individual reflection, conversation in groups and some input from Sue.
Handouts will be included for you to reflect on and explore different ways of finding God in all things in daily life.
Refreshments will be available througout the day but please bring a packed lunch, This event is in person only.